
Monday, January 21, 2013

Manic Monday

Well, well, well. Hello and welcome to the work week. i don't usually have a whole lot of new stuff to post on mondays. There isn't really a theme. I just wanted to stop by and say hey. This weekend was pretty busy. Sports, meeting people, getting out of town, watching classic movies with new people. The end of one season and the beginning of a whole new one.

The big news today here in New England is the monster of a snow storm that is supposed to hit us tonight and tomorrow. If I had more time, and wasn't so worn out I would have a little something to usher it. I don't, so here is a classic from last year that deserves more attention. Old Man Winter, oh how we hoped you would sleep a little more.

So there is the Old Man and his pets, the Lions of Winter. let's hope that he goes easy on us.
Bundle up fuckers. :)

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