Friday morning. This was the biggie. The first day of the BBW Fanfest tradeshow. I have featured my works for sale and promotion a bit before around here. At the Memorial Day Heavenly Bodies bash and at the Club Ample anniversary bash, but nothing with much industry around it. When I was trying to describe what it was like or going to be like to some friends I used the term "Big Girl Convention" and even set it down to "Porn Convention". It turned out that I was pretty accurate there haha. Meeting some of my favorite adult starlets already and seeing the the event was sponsored by FLeshlight should have really made it clear but like i said, I was kind of in a haze all weekend. The best kind of haze possible. So of course I had met Deisree last night and she was one of the ladies that was running the show. What I didnt realize , nor did she, that i had met Kari aka
@PlatinumPuzzy1 the night before on the way to Plush. She saw me in the morning and got me all set. I found my booth and started to get set up. Nervous, sweating from the heat and the booze still in my system and excitement. Well after some shakey hands and trying to get my mind right i got it looking alright. Not the biggest table but I made it work. Really it kinda went with my whole "small town kid steps into the big city" theme I was working.
As amazing as It was getting a chance to have a booth and have work shown off to new people and those that influence and inspire me, what happened when I was setting up will never be forgotten. So remember how I said I met one of the members of the burlesque troop at the club the night before? Well guess where i was stationed across from?

Yeah exactly. The dancer I had met was Ms
@KittySpanxalot and the burlesque troop was Voluptuous Entertainment out of SoCal. The head woman in charge of this group. I cans till barely believe I'm saying it. Scarlette VaVoom. The name kinda says it all doesn't it? Did I turn into a giant ball of mush when meeting her? Did i stutter and stammer? Did I think it was a dream? You bet your ass I did. Not only did i get to meet them all, Scarlette, Kitty, Daisi and Coco, but Scarlette recalled us exchanging some messages on Facebook and me saying that I wanted to draw her. I had done some, even posted them on here. It was amazing and really I had the best view for the whole weekend. Those girls are all sexy and hott as you can imagine but also incredibly sweet and nice. I could just go on and on but i wont. They were busy promoting their events and performing on the stage. I finally managed to see them perform sunday, when the asked me to film their routines. Fantastic stuff. You ladies are all incredible, with your routines, costumes and personalities. If all I had good to remember was meeting you all I would be a happy man.
That was not the end of the good time for friday either. Remember this is just the first day. So between being star struck by the Voluptuous girls, seeing some of the other models I recognized I was still working on getting some art sold. I hunkered down at my booth and kept sketching in my sketchbook while getting people to check out my work. Nothing solid yet. As the day went on though a few of the featured girls came over and said hi, asked for my card and I even got a few "Oh yeah, i gotta talk to you again." So awesome.
The next highlight came from a few text messsages. Seems one of my buddies was in Vegas as well and we were working on meeting up and having some fun. The other messages were from Ms Monster and Britney Black. They had finally arrived in Vegas via car and plane and were looking to meetup. they were both featured models on the page and had access to anywhere and everywhere. As you all know I did some promo work for them and they have been some of my biggest supporters so meeting them in person was a real treat. Both very nice and sweet and as beautiful as ever in person. Brit gave me a big hug and huge smile. Ms Monster was nice enough to give me a gift for all the work I'd done for them. Being that we are both huge "Mad Men" fans she gave me "Sterling's Gold" by Roger Sterling. Its a take off on the book the character was writing on the show. It is hilarious and very thoughtful as well. From that moment on it got busier in the show and more and more people took notice.
Closing up the Voluptuous girls looked like they needed some help so of course i volunteered. I took their stuff back to their rooms, got a hug from Scralette and asked if I was going to the White Party later. I said yes.
So yeah the White Party was great. I met my buddy and we got some drinks at the hotel bar then headed up to the party. Yes we looked good, but not as good as the ladies did. Wow. So we got our table and had ourselves a great time. I introduced him to some of the girls i met that day. The Voluptuous girls asked us to join them at the table and we ended up enjoying the company of Britney Black and Ms Monster once again. We hung on as long as we could but all good things must come to an end so around 3am we got some food from Marylins and ended up crashing back in my room. My buddy and I. Not the, not the girls. We should have been so lucky. And that is the end of day one of the tradeshow.
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