
Friday, August 31, 2012

Full Color Friday

Back again with another edition of Full Color Friday. Hope your week has been going alright and that you all get to enjoy the  three day weekend in some manner. It would mean more if i had a job to escape from but I am hoping to go out at some point and see people that i love to party with and have a good time.

Remember that the heavenly Bodies event is going down starting tonight in Burlington MA. Please go and check it out. They have supported my art and treat me very well. If you do go tell them that Mike aka MacSketchy sent you and maybe I can pull some strings on that admission fee. Getting paid in trade sometimes has its benefits ya know.

So today i got something kinda cool. i recently did a plumper version of Giselle from Disney's "Enchanted". I like how it came out and some of you did as well. So I wanted to work with here again. I figured it would be a good featured post on here. You might have noticed her up top of the page already but here she is in all her curvy and plumped up glory.

So here is another take on her with a little something extra. I really enjoy drawing her. SHe has such great lines. Nothing annoying or straight about it slow things down. 

This one is a cool little idea I had too. I've seen a lot of people do their takes on the Disney princesses dressed as their respective antagonists. So here is my spin on it. Not only do we have a plumped up Giselle, but she is in her antagonists makeup and colors. She came out really well. Hoping to do more of this kinda thing soon.

Thats it for today. Hope you all get your weekend started off right.

Drink 'em if ya got 'em.

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