
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Disappointment abound

Yes the Pats lost. Yes it sucks. I'm still trying to work on getting some other updated posts on the pieces i was doing. I cant believe we will have to wait 'til September now for football again. Thank god for hockey. I am sure there will be plenty of hockey sketches coming soon too.

Adding to the disappointment this week has been the ongoing saga of what I thought would be a fun paying gig done for a women on the west coast that was referred to me. Most of the project went well but when I tried to make things better, knowing that they would be better, she resisted and it has been pretty annoying dealing with her. I have a feeling that the project may be dead and I may have gotten ripped off.

So feeling this way I am going to share all the work I did for that project on here, where I know you all might appreciate it a bit more.

I figured it would be nice to make a return for a little theme that I like to keep going on here too.

Happy Thick Chick Thursday everyone.

So these first few are the rough stagings and sketches i did for the promotional image. They wanted a white girl, a latina girl and the last one to kinda look like the client. These are the strongest ones. I feel that the first two are really the best put together and work off each other really well.

These two are the cleaned up colored versions of the latina and white girl. I really like the white girl. The latina girls pose is kind of awkward but thats what they wanted.

Now this is where the trouble comes in. I tried my best to make it look as much like her as I could. I think I did a damn fine job. Sometimes when i do semi portraits and try to really nail the likeness it doesnt work out and the client is that happy with it. Now either I am biased to my own work or I just suck and dont know it. Let me know.

Here is the final piece. The name of the company and everything. So if you go to check it out let them know where ya saw it. I'm not even sure what they are gonna do but there ya have it.

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