
Thursday, June 6, 2013

TCT- 10 years gone edition...

I mentioned earlier this week that I sometimes get whiney and maybe over nostalgic for the past. It's a curse. I've always wanted to stay in a certain time period because of how good and safe it feels. There are a few times that I have settled on, if I had the ability to time travel, i would go back to. 1994, being 10yrs old and not worrying about a thing in life. 2004, the best year of school i've ever had with some of the best friends and a good job. There are other years or periods of time I would visit or revisit but not as long as I would those time periods.

I usually get nostalgic or longing for the old days around certain anniversaries of events. Be they birthdays, holidays or in this case the 10 year anniversary of graduating high school. While high school wasnt an all around unpleasant time for me, I certainly would not go back there. I like to think that I have matured and grown since then, however being without a good steady job and still living with my parents constantly has me doubting myself and second guessing what I have done since that time. YOu are supposed to graduate, go to college, find a partner and make a new family right? Well it has not gone that way for me as it has others. My desired job was never conventional and as I have learned  that my dealings with relationship isnt always conventional as well.

I am hoping that in the coming year, or rest of the year as we are nearly half through it, things will turn around and change for the better. I certainly hope so and appreciate any and all positive thoughts and energy sent my way.

Now.....The real reason you come here. Tits and ass.

Happy Thick Chick Thursday.

Pretty solid set of sexy right?
Happy TCT!

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