
Thursday, June 21, 2012

TCT - Lost Project Edition

Happy Thick Chick Thursday everyone. i hope you are all enduring this heat wave we got going on as best you can. Its pretty damn hott here in New England. The thermometer is topping off as well as irritability levels and tempers. Be safe and smart out there people. I went driving yesterday and it being a tourist town the beach crowd really puts a kink in the gears of everyday travel. Took me me like 8 minutes to get over the first rotary, or traffic circle to those not from the northeast, and the traffic from the beach was almost a mile long going onto the highway. Crazy. I much prefer holding up in my room or a place that is cool than going out and sitting in the baking sun with a bunch of annoying people. Go figure right.

However, the best part of the warm weather is that all you sexy and lovely ladies get to show off your curves in the best ways you can. Nothing better than a bikini that is just covering those areas that we dont get to see in public. Nothing better than a good sexy belly hanging over those bottoms either. Man oh man the way..... Oh I'm sorry got distracted there for a moment.

SO today is kind of a special posting. When I do jobs for some people, freelance or professional grade I really dont like to post the work until the project has been completed or published. Today however features some artwork from a project that kinda fell by the wayside. Not my choice, but the project just kinda fell through. Its no secret that I have been wanting to go to BBW Fanfest in Vegas this year. Well  even if I wasn't able to go at the time some of my artwork was almost going to be there. I was approached with the idea of producing the artwork for the awards certificates at the Fanfest awards show. Now through some unfortunate circumstances I am not going to be doing that, however I wanted to share it with you.

Also I am really really trying to get some money together to get out there. i did some math and had some suggestions on what I could do to be out there and if someone was nice enough to lend me a hand or a dollar, or a few more, that would be great. Hit up the donate button up top. Help me make an impact in the BBW world.

So as you can see i was going for the whole Vegas showgirl theme. I haven't looked at these girls since i did the roughs and now that I do see them I really like them. Color to come later

Thanks for you support and
happy Thick Chick Thursday to everyone!!

1 comment:

LollyLikesFATshion said...

Cant wait to see these in colour! They look so fun and I wish I had an outfit like that! :D