
Friday, September 28, 2012

TCT- Friday Edition

So things got a little jumbled yesterday. First week at the new job and schedule is still a little wonky. I'm the day guy but they are trying to find some more people to fill out shifts. So yesterday I was a fill in for the second shift as well. Didn't get to get on here and post the stuff I wanted to. I came home, fell into bed, saw the Browns lose and watched some of "Spice World". Thank you Geri Halliwell and Emma Bunton. That's all i gotta say.

So I wanted to post some more sexy plumped up disney princesses like i have. I figured it was time to post a few lesser known and appreciated Disney ladies.

I don't know how many people have seen Disney's "Atlantis: The Lost Empire" Its a pretty good flick. I liked the design and some of the animation was spectacular. Its a little wonky story wise and has a more adult. It wouldn't suck if they made a live action version of it.
Two of the reasons that its so enjoyable are the females in it. The femme fatale, Helga Sinclair, and the heroine, Kiada show off a couple different styles and body shapes, which is refreshing in animation. Helga is very sexy and dangerous, while Kiada is a beautiful island princess/warrior chick.
Lots of people have been doing their own takes on Ms Sinclair so here are mine.

Here is my take on Kiada. I am going to clean them all up and color them as well.
I think they came out pretty well and are great additions to my growing gallery of gorgeous gals.


Happy Thick Chick Thursday and Fat Ass Friday 

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